Wait, I can label the bottom parts as 1/2a and 1/2a, and I can label the top parts as 1/2b and 1/2b.
There are also two triangles at the top, so I can use the Pythagorean Theorem?
The square root of sixteen is positive and negative four.
Thank you! I was debating between that answer!
Thank you, guys!
Should be better now, thanks.
I think I got it is it \(\frac{2^1}{14175}\), but how would you express \(b?\)
Yes! Thanks, everyone!
Thank you, everyone!
Thank you, CPhill! Perfect!
Thank you so much! I understand it now!
Incorrect, tertre. we know it has to be 5 and up.
Thanks, Rom!
Happy birthday, CPhill! Enjoy!