For digits 1-9, there is 1 digit.
For digits 10-99, there are 2 digits.
For digits 100-999, there are 3 digits.
Therefore, for digits 1-9, there is a total of 9 digits.
For digits 10-99, there is a total of 2((99-10)+1) = 2(90) = 180 digits
For digits 100-999, there is a total of 3((999-100)+1) - 3(900) = 2700 digits.
There is a total of 9 + 180 + 2700 = 2889 digits.
The 2889th digit is 0, so the 2890th digit must be 1.
The 110th digit after 2890th digit is 3.
Therefore the 1000th digit is also 3.
Tell me if I'm wrong.