You know I'm here to assist the site and its functioning given the posts you guys have to put up with at times. So I think that those who regularly post rather than just answer with numerical answers etc, should/could "title post if there isn't one" in your post, and or use jump to words that the search engine, users and yourself could find. An example is on a post asking how to.. Sqrt(....) and you refer them to surds, you could put "surds and square root" on your post. This also helps to push users to use the large database of information being amassed. Just a thought. But what ever it is you guys choose, it is more work, but with a goal to minimize the work in the future. Ultimately pushing users to title posts accurately/ detailed, is the goal and how nearly every forum would be working online. This shouldn't be an acception, and also it should have stick posts (read before posting) stating guidelines for posts, while those not following said guidlines are removed. I know you're all here to offer free assistance and help, and that all age groups and sorts and country people visit. But it does not have to be extensive. Just a "what is expected" What you can do to make the forum better" or something like it. thanks.