
How do you make a line graph? Please tell me.

 Jul 17, 2014

Best Answer 


I don't ahve time. If you have the equation put in the equation in to maths portal calculator for the equation form you have.  YOu will see there is lots of types of calculators. That will produce a graph in the answer. Just use google other wise to assist you in this respect. Either someon can graph for you over the course of the day if you neeed that assistance or you can problem solve this with the resources available. Good luck.

RE: people don't have a problem with me. Just some troll. Everyone gets them when they are asking questions and trying to learn. No question is too stupid. But the troll, has a sad life and probably cannot construct much in the way of learning. As well, the pity is the troll leaving the comments I believe is a new member. The sad thing is if they were so smart they surely could find questions to answer. See how dumb they are. So I'm not worried they post the comments. I ignore it.

 Jul 18, 2014

You could try to put the equation in at maths portal or on the web2.0 calc or at desmos and graph. I recommend trying to see if Desmos can help. Link provided > https://www.desmos.com/calculator

lso y=mx+C but sure you know that already.

 Jul 18, 2014

Thanks, Stu. I will try. I don't know why people give you negative points instead of positives if you are so helpful.

 Jul 18, 2014

I don't understand some things of that graphing calculator. Can you help me of how to do a line graph, Stu?

 Jul 18, 2014
Best Answer

I don't ahve time. If you have the equation put in the equation in to maths portal calculator for the equation form you have.  YOu will see there is lots of types of calculators. That will produce a graph in the answer. Just use google other wise to assist you in this respect. Either someon can graph for you over the course of the day if you neeed that assistance or you can problem solve this with the resources available. Good luck.

RE: people don't have a problem with me. Just some troll. Everyone gets them when they are asking questions and trying to learn. No question is too stupid. But the troll, has a sad life and probably cannot construct much in the way of learning. As well, the pity is the troll leaving the comments I believe is a new member. The sad thing is if they were so smart they surely could find questions to answer. See how dumb they are. So I'm not worried they post the comments. I ignore it.

Stu Jul 18, 2014

okay. Thanks.

 Jul 18, 2014

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