Professional Troll: by Professional Troll.
yah drongo!
No need for swearing in a forum that is used by all ages.
And since you-like to-correct so manny of the freee help-asssistance reppplies that are given to posts by those using thisss site with a common purpose let me clarify your mistakes.
Mistake one is assuming what you have to say is of any consequence to the running of the site. That is, thisss site at its heart is to assist people and a forum at that by definition gives room to have feed back and multiple opinions, ideally on the post in question, to best assist the original poster in the question raised. That was also your second mistake, to assume that this site gives some kind of guaranteeee of the information being correct although it is presumed that each reply does try to be,... or that those replying know as much knowledge as your pertain to owning in your post (generally nothing related to maths). Your third mistake was using inappropriate language, and your last mistake was your attempt to have an IQ. Good bye sir,
Don't get your panties in a knot over human nature and put your creativity into the arts, that way you can de-construct abstracts to your hearts content, plausibly argue why a proccess is wrong and not look foolish, or have to justify your self countless timesss. BAHAHAHA you making me weep from fits of laughter.