Question 1 - 5.
Easy elementary operations, with a twist to them.
They usually are straightforward operations, DESIGNED so you make a silly mistake.
Questions 5-10.
Usually involves basic counting, probability, or geometry. They sort of are based on interpretation, testing if you understand the problem.
Expect at least one silly mistake in this section.
Questions 11-15.
Logic / clever based problems. They have basic elementary concepts, however, they need cleverness, noticing skills, and some imagination. These can be solved quite easily, if you have the experience.
Questions 15 - 20.
These are the ones I make errors on, usually in sillyness. They involve the hardest drill-type problems you see on school homework, with some special twists. They can involve probability, rates, geometry, manipulative thinking.
21 - 25.
These are the questions covering topics you don't learn in school (or at least not yet)
Number theory, "hard" geometry (couldn't find a better word to describe), and counting plus probability.
These questions are the combination of hard and clever, usually long and involve a little claculation on the paper. And they are on these ousite- of school topics.
Just focus on the first 15. And getting a score of 15 is actually really good. If you get the first 15 right, you are bound to get somewhere around a 16 or a 17. That actually gives you a change to earn the Honor Roll.