STU, we tried several times to make a video conference call.
We have some fine talent on our end:
Chimp Stanley. A great engineering chimp, whose skill set includes vacuum tube theory.
Chimp Stuart. A lower level engineering student, who also dresses funny, but is a great translator of human and near human languages.
We made a successful video conference link for only a few moments.
We see you have a modern organic banana phone.
We use modern organic banana phones too.
After several more unsuccessful attempts, we had Chimp Loki activate your remote viewer.
We now understand. That is a problem with those modern, organic banana phones; they know they will be eaten after the call is completed, so they run for their lives!
Anyway, if you catch up to your banana phone, give us a call before you eat it.
Lancelot_Link Ph.M.E. (Philosophy of Monkey Engineering) and Top Banana of A.P.E.