4^120 = 1.76684706e72
1.76684706e72 = 1766847064778384329583297500742918515827483896875618958121606201292619776
9/37385 = 0.0002407382640096
Guest must've saw my post earlier.
5 + 5 = 10
IF you have 5 fingers on one hand, and 5 on the other, you have 10 fingers total.
216. LOL
4 x 5 > 20
3 x 5 = 20
6 x 6 (6^2) > 36
6 x 5 = 36
6^2 would be more like 6^3
Therefore, 6 x 5 is like 6^2.(^ Not ^ that one)
3 1/7 (Mixed Number Version)
22/7 (Improper Fraction Version)