(\(\frac{12}{15}=\frac{4}{5}\)) so he got 80 percent right and (\(100-80=\)) 20 percent wrong.
A is correct.
Hello Guest,
32? Or is there a trick?
Try it yourself. We aren't doing your homework.
How to delete this question?
I don't I alr know the solution.
I know there was a mistake but I alr know it.
I'm so sorry, this isn't possible, you cannot change the the solution but do something by the 3s and get the solution 10.
Still this is very clever! Have you already seen the video?
Hello macabresubwoofer,
what have you tried yourself? Describe your problem, please.
Are that your homework, then you're wrong here. But I see, this does not look like a homework.
"You need to check your question very carefully." like Melody said,
note this and correct these errors.
describe your problem, what have you tried yourself?