
Questions 156
Answers 19


To solve for the coordinates of point \( A \), let’s first analyze the properties of the given parabola and the geometry involved.


The equation of the parabola is given by

x^2 = 4y.

The focus \( F \) of this parabola is at \( (0, 1) \). We can derive the directrix of the parabola from its standard form, which implies:

- The distance from any point \( (x, y) \) on the parabola to the focus is equal to its distance to the directrix line \( y = -1 \).

Next, let’s consider a line passing through the focus \( F \) with a slope \( m \):

y - 1 = m(x - 0) \quad \Rightarrow \quad y = mx + 1.

We now substitute this expression for \( y \) into the parabola equation to find the intersection points \( M \) and \( N \).

Substituting \( y = mx + 1 \) into \( x^2 = 4y \), we get:

x^2 = 4(mx + 1).

This results in the quadratic equation:

x^2 - 4mx - 4 = 0.

Using the quadratic formula, we can find the \( x \)-coordinates of points \( M \) and \( N \):

x = \frac{4m \pm \sqrt{(4m)^2 + 16}}{2} = 2m \pm 2\sqrt{m^2 + 1}.

This corresponds to \( x_M = 2m + 2\sqrt{m^2 + 1} \) and \( x_N = 2m - 2\sqrt{m^2 + 1} \).

Next, we can determine the corresponding \( y \)-coordinates of points \( M \) and \( N \):

For \( M \):

y_M = m(2m + 2\sqrt{m^2 + 1}) + 1 = 2m^2 + 2m\sqrt{m^2 + 1} + 1,

For \( N \):

y_N = m(2m - 2\sqrt{m^2 + 1}) + 1 = 2m^2 - 2m\sqrt{m^2 + 1} + 1.

Now, we want to find \( A \) such that angle \( MAN = 90^\circ \), meaning line \( FA \) is perpendicular to line \( MN \).

To do this, we firstly determine the slope \( m_{MN} \) of line segment \( MN \):

m_{MN} = \frac{y_M - y_N}{x_M - x_N} = \frac{(2m^2 + 2m\sqrt{m^2 + 1} + 1) - (2m^2 - 2m\sqrt{m^2 + 1} + 1)}{(2m + 2\sqrt{m^2 + 1}) - (2m - 2\sqrt{m^2 + 1})}

This simplifies to:

m_{MN} = \frac{(2m + 2\sqrt{m^2 + 1} - (2m - 2\sqrt{m^2 + 1}))}{4\sqrt{m^2 + 1}} = \frac{4\sqrt{m^2 + 1}}{4\sqrt{m^2 + 1}} = 1.

Consequently, the slope \( m_{FA} \) of line \( FA \) must be \( -1 \) (since \( m_{FA} \cdot m_{MN} = -1 \)):

y - 1 = -1(x - 0) \quad \Rightarrow \quad y = -x + 1.

We must find the intersection of this line \( y = -x + 1 \) with the parabola \( x^2 = 4y \).

Substituting \( y = -x + 1 \) into the parabola’s equation gives:

x^2 = 4(-x + 1).

Rearranging leads to:

x^2 + 4x - 4 = 0.

Applying the quadratic formula yields:

x = \frac{-4 \pm \sqrt{4^2 + 4 \cdot 4}}{2} = \frac{-4 \pm \sqrt{16 + 16}}{2} = \frac{-4 \pm \sqrt{32}}{2} = -2 \pm 2\sqrt{2}.

Taking the positive root in the first quadrant:

x_A = -2 + 2\sqrt{2}.

Then utilizing \( y = -x + 1 \):

y_A = -(-2 + 2\sqrt{2}) + 1 = 2 - 2\sqrt{2} + 1 = 3 - 2\sqrt{2}.

Thus, the coordinates of point \( A \) are

\boxed{(-2 + 2\sqrt{2}, 3 - 2\sqrt{2})}.

Aug 29, 2024

I found domains and ranges for when $\lfloor x \rfloor$ is prime and otherwise. [hide=My work]We want $\lfloor x \rfloor$ to be prime. The only intervals that work for this are $[2,4)$, $[5,6)$, and $[7,8)$. Evaluating $x+1$ for each interval, we find there is a range of $[3,5)$, $[6,7)$, and $[8,9)$, respectively.


We use the rest of the intervals, $[4,5)$, $[6,7)$, and $[8,10]$ for the other piece, which is everything else. We need to evaluate $p(y)+(x+1-\lfloor x \rfloor)$ for each interval. We know $y$ must be the greatest prime factor of $\lfloor x\rfloor$. Everything in the first interval, $[4,5)$, has a floor of $4$. The greatest prime factor of $4$ is $2$. So, we have $p(y)=p(2)$ for the first interval. We know what $p(2)$ is so we can evaluate it for our expression.


Our equation is now $3+(x+1-\lfloor x \rfloor)$. Evaluating $x+1-\lfloor x \rfloor$, we find if we use anything in our first interval, we have $4.m-4$, because the floor is always going to be $4$, but $x$ might not be. Adding one gives us $1.m$. We don’t know what $m$ is, but we find that $1.m$ has a range of $[1,2)$. Adding on three gives us the range $[4,5)$.


We use the same steps for the next interval, because we only have one floor, $6$! Our interval is $[5,6)$. But for the last interval, we have $3$ different cases$-$when the floor is $8$, $9$, and $10$. The largest prime factors of $8$ and $9$ are $2$ and $3$, respectively. Since we already evaluated those, we don’t need to do them again. But the last case, where the floor is $10$, we get $p(5)$, which we haven’t evaluated yet! Solving for $p(5)$ gives us $6$, in turn giving us the interval $[7,8)$.


Combining our intervals we got for the range, $[3,5)$, $[6,7)$, $[8,9)$, $[4,5)$, $[5,6)$, and $[7,8)$. We combine these all to get the interval $\boxed{[3,9)}$.

Aug 23, 2024