
Questions 10
Answers 3005


One mathematical definition of a rectangle is  "a quadrilateral with four right angles."


From:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rectangle  (You can find other sources with effectively the same definition.)


A square meets the conditions needed to be considered a rectangle. A square is just a special case of a rectangle.

Sep 2, 2019

We can use a semicolon to join to otherwise complete sentences. So


"The setting makes you more likely to anticipate the ending, as this is in a small rural village and anything can happen; although it doesn’t completely reveal the ending and still preserves the surprise."


is completely grammatically equivalent to:


"The setting makes you more likely to anticipate the ending, as this is in a small rural village and anything can happen. Although it doesn’t completely reveal the ending and still preserves the surprise."


Let's look at it the second way for now and convert it back later.


Now another problem is more apparent. "Although" is a subordinating conjunction. Saying "Although it doesn't completely reveal the ending and still preserves the surprise." is like saying "After he went home." In both cases, the reader is left hanging, waiting for the rest of the sentence. "After he went home" -- then what happened?


Here's a short but helpful post about it:



So instead of using "Although", let's use "However,":


"The setting makes you more likely to anticipate the ending, as this is in a small rural village and anything can happen. However, it doesn’t completely reveal the ending and still preserves the surprise."


Now we can change it back to the semicolon form. (And you definitely need a semicolon there because you can separate it into two sentences at that point.) Again, the following is grammatically equivalent to the previous:


"The setting makes you more likely to anticipate the ending, as this is in a small rural village and anything can happen; however, it doesn’t completely reveal the ending and still preserves the surprise."


Here's another thing you can read about using "however" in a sentence:


Sep 2, 2019

Thank you Melody! smiley


I just found this:



According to the answer there,  a/bc  means  a/(bc)  which goes against my idea.

Hmm, I don't like that! But I guess it is the case. Though I still think  1/4(3)  =  3/4

Aug 3, 2019

The left-to-right rule does work for evaluating these expressions. However, in the case of division, instead of thinking that operations on the same level are done "left to right," I prefer to think that only the "item" immediately following the division symbol goes in the denominator, where an "item" is either a number or an expression enclosed in parenthesees.


The expression   \(1\div2+3+4\)   is equal to   \(\frac12+3+4\)   because we place

only the item immediately following the division symbol,  2 ,  in the denominator.



The expression   \(1\div(2+3)+4\)   is equal to   \(\frac{1}{(2+3)}+4\)   because we place

only the item immediately following the division symbol,  (2 + 3) ,  in the denominator.


Following this rule also means the expression   \(12/6/3\)   is equal to   \(\dfrac{\frac{12}{6}}{3}\)   which is  \(\dfrac23\)


The alternative rule would be that everything after the division symbol goes the denominator.


I personally do not like to say we must follow "left to right" because

for expressions like this:  1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5


we don't have to follow left to right. We could evaluate it like this:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5   =   1 + 2 + 3 + 9   =   1 + 5 + 9   =   10 + 5   =   15


It doesn't hurt to follow left-to-right to evaluate that expression; it just isn't necessary.


Another reason I prefer the rule "only use the item immediatley adjacent to the operator as the operand" is that we can use a similar rule for exponents. In the case of exponents, the rule would be "only the item immediately preceding the caret is the base."




Should  4^2^3  be  4^(2^3)  or  should it be  (4^2)^3   ?


If we just stick with the left-to-right rule, we would get

4^2^3  =  16^3  =  4096


If we use the rule "only the item immediately preceding the caret is the base," we would get

4^2^3  =  4^8  =  65536


Here, WolframAlpha says the answer is  65536:




The only operations that need such a rule are division, exponentiation, and subtraction.

It is unnecessary to follow left-to-right for multiplication and addition.

Aug 3, 2019

Thanks EP for that link, but I'm pretty sure the information in that article is definitely incorrect.


The question is:


\(8\div2(2+2)\ =\ ?\)


And the ONLY correct answer is:


\(8\div2(2+2)\ =\ 8\div2(4)\ =\ \dfrac82(4)\ =\ 4(4)\ =\ 16\)


See here that WolframAlpha says the answer is 16:




There is unfortunately much confusion about this question, but I do not think it is ambiguous.


PEMDAS and BODMAS mean the same thing, and they both say it's 16.


Parenthesses and Brackets are the same thing. Exponents and Orders are the same thing.

Multiplication and Division are on the same level and so can be written either as MD or DM.


We are also taught that when two operations are on the same level, we do them "left to right".


See this Khan Academy video:


https://www.khanacademy.org/math/pre-algebra/. . ./v/introduction-to-order-of-operations


Notice that he writes Mult/Div on one line and Add/Sub on one line.

And especially watch the example that starts around the time 4:10

Aug 3, 2019