Thanks CPhill
Just cut down a tree...
Our lives would be much more easier.
Then i recommend playing :
Learn how to fly 2.
I went through that phase before...
The answer is 4 my friend.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursaday, Friday
5 days
$${\mathtt{5}}{\mathtt{\,\times\,}}{\mathtt{200}} = {\mathtt{1\,000}}$$ loaves
1000+500 = 1500
He sells 1500 loaves.
$$But how much on Sunday! (Is he closed down)$$
$${\sqrt{{\mathtt{124}}}} = {\mathtt{11.135\: \!528\: \!725\: \!660\: \!043\: \!8}}$$
Obviously 2 + $${\sqrt{{\mathtt{124}}}} = {\mathtt{11.135\: \!528\: \!725\: \!660\: \!043\: \!8}}$$ = 13.1355287256600438
$${\frac{{\mathtt{13.135\: \!528\: \!725\: \!660\: \!043\: \!8}}}{{\mathtt{6}}}} = {\mathtt{2.189\: \!254\: \!787\: \!610\: \!007\: \!3}}$$
Oh yeah, i saw this one before.
I guess Nauseated answers will stay hidden until his maths tricks are revealed...One day.
or maybe he just wasn't notified. :P