
How long did it take for the Grand Canyon to form?

 Apr 10, 2015

Best Answer 


Categorizing that question as a “Social Studies” question is dumber than Categorizing “Astronomy” as “Astrology.”

I know you are not intelligent trolls, because you would have called it “Geography.”


I hope neither of you are answering math questions on here. Your CDD is in full bloom and may be terminal. If I was that stupid, I would stay anonymous too.

BTW that is a “Geology” question. You two can call it Social Studies if you want –most will understand why, now.

 Apr 11, 2015

if you want social studdies answers go to a different place

 Apr 10, 2015

In any case, thousands of years. But yes anon is right. this isn't web2.0socialstudies.com

 Apr 10, 2015
Best Answer

Categorizing that question as a “Social Studies” question is dumber than Categorizing “Astronomy” as “Astrology.”

I know you are not intelligent trolls, because you would have called it “Geography.”


I hope neither of you are answering math questions on here. Your CDD is in full bloom and may be terminal. If I was that stupid, I would stay anonymous too.

BTW that is a “Geology” question. You two can call it Social Studies if you want –most will understand why, now.

Nauseated Apr 11, 2015

OHHHH! Burn!!!!

 Apr 11, 2015

I wonder who gave you 4 points for that drivel Nauseated. 

You must have a fan club I guess - there is no accounting for taste!   

 Apr 11, 2015

BJ gave him one....and I gave him the other three......it was "intelligent" drivel.........




 Apr 11, 2015

Well Chris, I want   3 points too  - from you      (plus one from BJ)

Mine is more intelligent drivel than yours is  !!!!!

 Apr 11, 2015

No dice.....maybe Nauseated will give you one.....but I doubt it, since you insulted his post.....LOL!!!





 Apr 11, 2015

Well if you won't give me 3 points for my EXCELLENT post then I MIGHT take 3 points off you!


 Apr 11, 2015

Hey....two can play the "points off" game.......remember that.....!!!!!!

I'll get you, my pretty........




 Apr 11, 2015

You are really mean - you know that  !!!!!


I can stomp all over you  !!!


 Apr 11, 2015

Letme be a good boy and give everyone points...


 Apr 11, 2015

Thanks MG  :))

 Apr 11, 2015

a certain amount of time

 Apr 11, 2015

Wow! 13 points! It looks like I do have a fan club.


Some of my snarky posts might have received minus 13 points, except those are blanked, either by CPhill, or by Melody, who makes Scooby Snacks out of them.


Anyway, thanks to my fans. . . . Sorry, no autographs please.

 Apr 13, 2015

Most of the time it is nice to have you about Nauseated.  

Are  you sure we can't have your autograph  ??     

 Apr 13, 2015

Well, if you insist . . .






 Apr 13, 2015

Thanks Nauseated, I treasure your insincerity !

Thanks for your autograph    

 Apr 13, 2015

Mmmmmmmm....that looks suspiciously like a "computer-generated" signature, Nauseated..!!!!!!

Did you farm that out to one of your monkeys??   Maybe while he was busy copying "Hamlet ??"



 Apr 13, 2015

You are right, it’s a program for remote autograph transmission. It’s a little tidier than my handwriting. Chimp Loki coded it and gave me a copy. I had to recode some of it: everything displayed and printed out in banana yellow, and had a small paw print. Those chimps seem obsessive sometimes.


Chimp Stanley sent me a telegram (he’s a little anachronistic) saying Lancelotlink and company will be returning from Greece soon. They are stopping in Africa to visit cousins and drop off the bonobos, then a quick stop to south America to pick up a load of bananas, before returning to the States.


This is interesting, because they’ve only been there for six months and they were supposed to be there for 8 to 10 months, investigating the chimp’s contributions to ancient Greek literature and mathematics. According to Lancelotlink and company, the chimps not only helped Shakespeare write his great plays and sonnets, but made major contributions to the arts and sciences of ancient Greece, too.


I’m not sure if they found what they were looking for or just gave up. We’ll find out soon enough, I suspect.

 Apr 13, 2015

                           if you want to know that ask someone who cares. HINT:(NO ONE CARES!!!!!!!!)

 Apr 13, 2015

I don't know anon, I am kinda curious.   

Hi Nauseated :)

 Apr 14, 2015

Wow, a new record, 16 points!!!

Nauseated, if you continue these 'Amazing Combacks' you could probably tie points with Melody!


 Apr 14, 2015

You think I have competion MG ?  I am shaking in my boots.   LOL     

 Apr 15, 2015

Nah...Not in a million years! 

Well especially with those digits...


(Actually Maybe when I grow up)!

Ha,well I hope.


 Apr 15, 2015

I spoke to soon...


And bit too late!?

 I guess Naseated had already started his secret way of getting points!


Look lol.

 Apr 15, 2015
 Apr 15, 2015

That address does not work MG :/

 Apr 16, 2015

I know its kinda sad...


I'm using a Wii U Pad. So the process of copying and pasting isn't the best. But you can copy the link...Doesn't that work?


I would've used the laptop but my brother and sister are on it - 24/7 revising!

 Apr 16, 2015

Yes, cut and paste did work MG.

You are right, Nauseated is perfecting the art of getting points without answering any questions.  

That is not quite fair of me, he does answer some.  




but, he does not always like explaining his answers.  

I am still waiting for him to explain his logic on this one :)       CAN YOU HEAR ME NAUSEATED ?

 Apr 17, 2015

Oh yeah, i saw this one before.





I guess Nauseated answers will stay hidden until his maths tricks are revealed...One day.


or maybe he just wasn't notified. :P

 Apr 17, 2015

Most trolls are a little deaf, but I hear you loud and clear!


It does seem that I am often behind my time . . . and under my bridge. 

 Apr 21, 2015

Well Nauseated I am glad that you are not deaf anyways.   

Perhaps you will pay attention even when we don't shout.    

 Apr 21, 2015

Hahaha Melody :D

 Apr 21, 2015

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