Melody thought it'll be a great idea to give a review on this web site and so did I. I forgot to do this so I'm very late. I haven't spent a lot of time on this website, but I do know for sure it's very good.
So the website is completely free, requires a username, password and Email. Similarly to this site, it runs on points or merits (on Mathopolis). Unlike, this website though you can not communicate as we do here.
There are two main titles: there are games and math questions.
I really enjoy the games because it's meant just to improve not just your math knowledge but mental and each time you can improve and earn merits. There are several games inside with different modes.
And when you go on those there are different sub-heading games (e.g. Numbers - estimating) with modes.
As for questions, when you go onto it there are 6 topics.
Overall, this website gives great knowledge to all users and shows a lot of care. Although, it doesn't look as cool as this website, it does help you in math a lot.With lot's of topics and games. A year of this web site will make you a genius!
(I've got 10 Merits so far, it's very addicting)!
-MathsGod1 (MG1)