Yay! Let's all state our country of residence and tongue!
I live in America, have somehow no accent at all, and am Korean. My tongue is an average amount of slimy and length.
Ahhh. okay. Sorry for suspecting anything.
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Matthew's name is not Stew Pitt. It prefers to be called Pit's Stew.
One question... is this some kind of homework you don't want to do, or do you really need help?
Erm... 237? I don't know...
Divide 143 by 13. That gets you 11. That means that he falls 11 feet per second.
Just distribute.
-12y times y is -12y^2
-12y times 6 is -72y
-12y^2+72y is the answer.
I... need... education... helping... grrrrrr....
That's all I remember, but I remember a time when I won a competition by memorizing 56 digits.... Ahhhh... good days...
3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679Is the Copy Paste version.