Are you going to give me a thumbs up everytime I answer a question?
Thank you for your good manners!
You are right Dragon, Thumbs up and written thank yous are both really nice to get. Thanks you.
Did you read my wrap tonight. You got a mention.
The same way as all the other. Are you actually trying to learn something here or am I just doing all your homework?
Happier now - I copied the question wrongly.
That answer was wrong according to the test...... And at this point a little bit of both...... Is there another way to solve that problem, i'm writing how you solve them on paper
What you need to do is multiply the number which is in front of the ( & ) with that what is in it, -12y(y-6):
Multiply y with -12y, that's -12y^2. muliply -6 with -12y that's 72y (negatif x negatif is positif), so -12y^2 + 72y and than futher as has been shown in the past answers
I fixed the one you were talking about. I just copied it done wrongly.
The answer to the one that's wrong is: 12x(x-11) = 12x^2 - 132x = x(12x-132) but that last step isn't necesary
if in the test was: 12x(x-11)=0, you also have to say:
x=0 v x=12x-132
x=0 v 12x=-132
x=0 v x=-11
Yay! Let's all state our country of residence and tongue!
I live in America, have somehow no accent at all, and am Korean. My tongue is an average amount of slimy and length.
I don't think that the English or the Americans say 'mate'.
Zegroes will tell you that you are not allowed to use it.
He says only I can, but I think other Aussies are allowed to use it too. lol.
Dragon were you talking to me? My english is bad so please make it a bit more easy :)