
Questions 17
Answers 5678

Jun 22, 2019

How many distinct ordered pairs of positive integers \((m,n)\) are there
so that the sum of the reciprocals of \(m\) and \(n\) is \(\dfrac14\)?


\(\text{From the relationship} \\ \dfrac{1}{z} = \dfrac{1}{m} + \dfrac{1}{n} \\ \text{follows immediately that $m>z$ and $n> z$ must be.}\\ \text{You can write $m=z+a$ and $n=z+b$ }\\ \text{Now the result:}\\ \dfrac{1}{z} = \dfrac{1}{z+a} + \dfrac{1}{z+b} \\ \)


\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline \dfrac{1}{z} &=& \dfrac{1}{z+a} + \dfrac{1}{z+b} \\\\ \dfrac{1}{z} &=& \dfrac{2z+a+b}{z^2+za+zb+ab} \\\\ z^2+za+zb+ab &=& z(2z+a+b) \\ z^2+za+zb+ab &=& 2z^2+za+zb \\ z^2+za+zb+{\color{red}ab} &=& z^2+za+zb + {\color{red}z^2} \quad & \quad \text{by comparison follows } \boxed{z^2=ab} \\ \hline \end{array} \)


\(\text{Each pair $(a, b)=$ (divider, co-divider) of $n^2$ gives a solution }\\ \text{ from $\dfrac{1}{z} = \dfrac{1}{z+a} + \dfrac{1}{z+b} $.}\)


\(\text{if z = 4:}\\ \text{The divisors of $z^2=16$ are $1, 2, 4, 8, 16$ ($5$ divisors) }\)


\(\text{So there are $ \mathbf{5}$ distinct ordered pairs of positive integers $(m,n)$ }\)


\(\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline 4^2 & divider & co-divider & \\ = 16 & a & b & ab & \dfrac{1}{4} = \dfrac{1}{4+a} + \dfrac{1}{4+b} \\ \hline & 1 & 16 & 1\cdot 16 = 16& \mathbf{\dfrac{1}{4} =} \dfrac{1}{4+1} + \dfrac{1}{4+16} = \mathbf{\dfrac{1}{5} + \dfrac{1}{20}} \\ \hline & 2 & 8 & 2\cdot 8 = 16& \mathbf{\dfrac{1}{4} =} \dfrac{1}{4+2} + \dfrac{1}{4+8}= \mathbf{\dfrac{1}{6} + \dfrac{1}{12}} \\ \hline & 4 & 4 & 4\cdot 4 = 16& \mathbf{\dfrac{1}{4} =} \dfrac{1}{4+4} + \dfrac{1}{4+4}= \mathbf{\dfrac{1}{8} + \dfrac{1}{8}} \\ \hline & 8 & 2 & 8\cdot 2 = 16& \mathbf{\dfrac{1}{4} =} \dfrac{1}{4+8} + \dfrac{1}{4+2}= \mathbf{\dfrac{1}{12} + \dfrac{1}{6}} \\ \hline & 16 & 1 & 16\cdot 1 = 16& \mathbf{\dfrac{1}{4} =} \dfrac{1}{4+16} + \dfrac{1}{4+1}= \mathbf{\dfrac{1}{20} + \dfrac{1}{5}} \\ \hline \end{array}\)


The distinct ordered pairs of positive integers \((m,n) = \sigma_0(z^2)\)




Jun 21, 2019

For what value of  \(n\)  is  \(i + 2i^2 + 3i^3 + \cdots + ni^n = 48 + 49i\) ?


\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline s &=& i + 2i^2 + 3i^3 + \cdots + ni^n \\ \hline \end{array}\)


\(\begin{array}{|rclll|} \hline s &=& i + 2i^2 + 3i^3 +4i^4+ \cdots + ni^n \\ is &=& \qquad i^2 +2i^3+3i^4+\ldots (n+1)i^n+ni^{n+1} \\ \hline s-is &=& \underbrace{ i+ i^2+i^3+i^4+\ldots +i^n}_{=S~ (GP)}-ni^{n+1}\\ s(1-i) &=& S-ni^{n+1}\\ &&\begin{array}{|rclll|} \hline S &=& i+ i^2+i^3+i^4+\ldots +i^n \\ iS &=& \qquad i^2+i^3+i^4+\ldots +i^n +i^{n+1} \\ \hline S - iS &=& i-i^{n+1} \\ S (1- i) &=& i( 1-i^{n}) \\ S &=& \dfrac{i( 1-i^{n})}{1-i} \\ \hline \end{array} \\\\ s(1-i) &=& \dfrac{i( 1-i^{n})}{1-i}-ni^{n+1} \\\\ s &=& \dfrac{i( 1-i^{n})}{(1-i)^2}-\dfrac{ni^{n+1}}{ 1-i } \\\\ s &=& \dfrac{i( 1-i^{n})}{(1-i)^2}-\left(\dfrac{ni^{n+1}}{ 1-i }\right)\cdot \left(\dfrac{1-i}{1-i}\right) \\\\ s &=& \dfrac{i( 1-i^{n}) -ni^{n+1}(1-i) }{(1-i)^2} \\\\ s &=& \dfrac{i( 1-i^{n}) -ni^{n}i(1-i) }{(1-i)^2} \\\\ s &=& \dfrac{i\Big( 1-i^{n} -ni^{n}(1-i)\Big) }{(1-i)^2} \quad | \quad (1-i)^2 = -2i \\\\ s &=& \dfrac{i\Big( 1-i^{n} -ni^{n}(1-i)\Big) }{-2i} \\\\ s &=& \dfrac{ 1-i^{n} -ni^{n}(1-i) }{-2 } \\\\ s &=& \dfrac{ -1+i^{n} +ni^{n}(1-i) }{2 } \\\\ s &=& \dfrac{ -1+i^{n} +ni^{n} -ni^{n+1} }{2 } \\\\ \mathbf{s} &=& \mathbf{\dfrac{ i^{n}(1+n) -i^{n+1}n -1 }{2 }} \\ \hline \end{array}\)


\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline \mathbf{s} = \mathbf{\dfrac{ i^{n}(1+n) -i^{n+1}n -1 }{2 }} &=& 48 + 49i \\\\ i^{n}(1+n) -i^{n+1}n -1 &=& 96 + 98i \\\\ \mathbf{{\color{red}i^{n}}(1+n) -{\color{red}i^{n+1}}n } &=& \mathbf{97 + 98i} \\ \hline \end{array} \)


We compare the sides of the equation and note that i^n and i^(n+1) are adjacent values.

This means that one is either +i or -i and the other is either +1 or -1.

So there are two solutions for the comparison.


1. First possible solution

\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline 98i &=&{ -\color{red}i^{n+1}}n \\ 97 &=& {\color{red}i^{n}}(1+n) \\ \hline \dfrac{98i}{97} &=& \dfrac{-i^{n+1} n}{i^{n} (1+n)} \\\\ \dfrac{98i}{97} &=& \dfrac{-i^{n}i\cdot n}{i^{n} (1+n)} \\\\ \dfrac{98i}{97} &=& \dfrac{- i\cdot n}{ (1+n)} \\\\ \dfrac{98}{97} &=& \dfrac{-n}{ (1+n)} \\\\ (1+n)98 &=& -97n \\ 98+98n &=& -97n \\ 195n &=& -98 \\ 195n &=& -98 \\ n &=& -\dfrac{98}{195} \\ n &=& -0.50256410256 \qquad \text{no solution, n is no integer } \\ \hline \end{array}\)


2. Second possible solution

\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline 98i &=& {\color{red}i^{n}}(1+n) \\ 97 &=&{ -\color{red}i^{n+1}}n \\ \hline \dfrac{98i}{97} &=& \dfrac{i^{n} (1+n)}{-i^{n+1} n} \\\\ \dfrac{98i}{97} &=& \dfrac{i^{n} (1+n)}{-i^{n}i\cdot n} \\\\ \dfrac{98i^2}{97} &=& \dfrac{i^{n} (1+n)}{-i^{n} \cdot n} \\\\ \dfrac{-98}{97} &=& \dfrac{1+n}{-n} \\\\ \dfrac{98}{97} &=& \dfrac{1+n}{n} \\\\ 98n &=& 97(1+n) \\ 98n &=& 97 + 97n \\ \mathbf{n} &=& \mathbf{97} \\ \hline \end{array}\)


\(i + 2i^2 + 3i^3 + \cdots + 97i^{97} = 48 + 49i\)



Jun 20, 2019