P and Q are two bases for a mountain climb. PQ is 600 m and QR is a vertical stretch of a rock ace. The angle of elevation of Q from P is 31^{\circ}, and the angle of elevation of R from P is 41^{\circ}. Use the sine law in \triangle PQR to calculate the height of the vertical climb, QR, to the nearest metre.
see https://web2.0calc.com/questions/sine-law
sin(41∘−31∘)h=sin(90∘−41∘)600 msin(10∘)h=sin(49∘)600 mhsin(10∘)=600 msin(49∘)h=sin(10∘)sin(49∘)⋅600 mh=0.173648177670.75470958022⋅600 mh=0.23008609168⋅600 mh=138.0516550080 mh=138 m
Hallo Melody,
the diagram is in Latex.
My new version:
The Latex package is:
\usetikzlibrary{ calc, positioning, automata, ... }
The source code is:
\begin{tikzpicture} % Hilfslinie \coordinate[ ] (D) at (6.14300380421,0); %Punkte \coordinate[label=left:$P$] (P) at (0,0); \draw [dashed,color=red,line width=0.5pt] (P)--(D); \coordinate[label=right:$Q$] (Q) at (31:6); \coordinate[label=right:$R$] (R) at (5.14300380421,4.47074499954); \draw [dashed,color=red,line width=0.5pt] (3.14300380421,4.47074499954)--(R); % Winkel
\begin{scope}[shift={(P)}] \draw (0,0) -- (0:2.00cm) arc (0:31:2.00cm); \draw (15.5:2.35cm) node {$31^{\circ}$}; \draw[fill=green] (0,0) -- (0:1.25cm) arc (0:41:1.25cm); \draw (20.5:1.55cm) node {$41^{\circ}$}; \end{scope}
\begin{scope}[shift={(R)}] \draw[fill=green] (0,0) -- (-180:1.25cm) arc (-180:-139:1.25cm); \draw (-160:1.55cm) node {$41^{\circ}$}; \end{scope}
\draw [color=blue!50,line width=1.5pt] (P)--(Q)--(R)--cycle; \coordinate[label=right:$h$] (h) at ($(R)!.5!(Q)$); \draw ($(P)!.7!(Q)$) node [below,rotate=31]{$600\ m$}; \draw [fill=blue!50] (0,0) circle [radius=1.5pt]; \draw [fill=blue!50] (31:6) circle [radius=1.5pt]; \draw [fill=blue!50] (R) circle [radius=1.5pt]; \end{tikzpicture}
Hallo Melody,
the diagram is in Latex.
My new version:
The Latex package is:
\usetikzlibrary{ calc, positioning, automata, ... }
The source code is:
% Hilfslinie
\coordinate[ ] (D) at (6.14300380421,0);
\coordinate[label=left:$P$] (P) at (0,0);
\draw [dashed,color=red,line width=0.5pt] (P)--(D);
\coordinate[label=right:$Q$] (Q) at (31:6);
\coordinate[label=right:$R$] (R) at (5.14300380421,4.47074499954);
\draw [dashed,color=red,line width=0.5pt] (3.14300380421,4.47074499954)--(R);
% Winkel
\begin{scope}[shift={(P)}] \draw (0,0) -- (0:2.00cm) arc (0:31:2.00cm); \draw (15.5:2.35cm) node {$31^{\circ}$}; \draw[fill=green] (0,0) -- (0:1.25cm) arc (0:41:1.25cm); \draw (20.5:1.55cm) node {$41^{\circ}$}; \end{scope}
\begin{scope}[shift={(R)}] \draw[fill=green] (0,0) -- (-180:1.25cm) arc (-180:-139:1.25cm); \draw (-160:1.55cm) node {$41^{\circ}$}; \end{scope}
\draw [color=blue!50,line width=1.5pt] (P)--(Q)--(R)--cycle;
\coordinate[label=right:$h$] (h) at ($(R)!.5!(Q)$);
\draw ($(P)!.7!(Q)$) node [below,rotate=31]{$600\ m$};
\draw [fill=blue!50] (0,0) circle [radius=1.5pt];
\draw [fill=blue!50] (31:6) circle [radius=1.5pt];
\draw [fill=blue!50] (R) circle [radius=1.5pt];
Hallo Melody,
the diagram is in Latex.
My new version:
The Latex package is:
\usetikzlibrary{ calc, positioning, automata, ... }
The source code is:
\begin{tikzpicture} % Hilfslinie \coordinate[ ] (D) at (6.14300380421,0); %Punkte \coordinate[label=left:$P$] (P) at (0,0); \draw [dashed,color=red,line width=0.5pt] (P)--(D); \coordinate[label=right:$Q$] (Q) at (31:6); \coordinate[label=right:$R$] (R) at (5.14300380421,4.47074499954); \draw [dashed,color=red,line width=0.5pt] (3.14300380421,4.47074499954)--(R); % Winkel
\begin{scope}[shift={(P)}] \draw (0,0) -- (0:2.00cm) arc (0:31:2.00cm); \draw (15.5:2.35cm) node {$31^{\circ}$}; \draw[fill=green] (0,0) -- (0:1.25cm) arc (0:41:1.25cm); \draw (20.5:1.55cm) node {$41^{\circ}$}; \end{scope}
\begin{scope}[shift={(R)}] \draw[fill=green] (0,0) -- (-180:1.25cm) arc (-180:-139:1.25cm); \draw (-160:1.55cm) node {$41^{\circ}$}; \end{scope}
\draw [color=blue!50,line width=1.5pt] (P)--(Q)--(R)--cycle; \coordinate[label=right:$h$] (h) at ($(R)!.5!(Q)$); \draw ($(P)!.7!(Q)$) node [below,rotate=31]{$600\ m$}; \draw [fill=blue!50] (0,0) circle [radius=1.5pt]; \draw [fill=blue!50] (31:6) circle [radius=1.5pt]; \draw [fill=blue!50] (R) circle [radius=1.5pt]; \end{tikzpicture}
Hallo Melody,
the diagram is in Latex.
My new version:
The Latex package is:
\usetikzlibrary{ calc, positioning, automata, ... }
The source code is:
Hi Heureka,
I have added the fabulous thread to the Latex sticky thread.