
Questions 900
Answers 33644

Melody  Feb 11, 2022

Hi X-squared,

My observations was not aimed at anyone in particular and certainly not at you. You have been providing great answers for a long time and I am very grateful to you.  I do not contribute as much as I used to but I continue to be passionate about this forum and I know that some question askers learn a great deal from the fabulous answers that you and others give.  It is these students that inspire us and make this whole site worthwhile. 

CPhill has told me that if he teaches even just one student and helps to foster in them a great love of mathematics that that is all the reward he needs.  (I hope you do not mind me paraphrasing Chris)


X-squared this is nothing wrong with you being pleased that your own score is increasing. I like seeing mine increase too. It is all a part of the 'game'. Do not criticize yourself for it. :)  Also I do not intend to be critical of people who pick questions that they personally are interested in. There is nothing wrong with that either. 


I just wanted answerers to think a little more before they answer. That is all.

For my own part I do not intend to answer questions if they are posted in multiples. But sometimes the question will interest me and I will answer anyway.  I will also make more of an attempt to only half answer questions but like many of you, it is always very tempting to give whole answers, we are precise people, we like to finish what we start. 

Plus sometimes I get frustrated because I give a half answer for a very good reason, and then someone else comes in and completes it. I do not mind if it is a child who is learning but it does frustrate me when it is someone with higher abilities.

I'd really like it if we could encourage the question askers to interact with us more  It is great when question askers challenge  or question my answers. It shows me that someone at the other end is really trying to learn!

I expect all you wonderful answerers feel the same way.


I will finish now with a huge thank you to all the wonderful people who put so much effort into teaching people here. And also a big thanks to those students who seriously learn from us and make our time here all worth while.



May 13, 2018