Processing math: 100%

I just worked out how to make an empty box of various horizonal size easily in LaTex.

This is not a recommended method, but other methods that I have tried here have not worked.

This coding is really simple.  Just put letters inside but make the letters invisable!   laugh












 Mar 15, 2022
edited by Melody  Mar 15, 2022

Another code I like to use to make things invisible is  \phantom{}


It will makes whatever you put inside invisible! I sometimes use it for spacing laugh


Also there is the  \hspace  command which can be used to make a horizontal space of a specified length.


For example, the code:  a\hspace{3cm}b

makes this:




So there are 3 cm of space between the a and the b.


(Also here is a list of the different types of units of length it recognizes)

 Mar 15, 2022

It looks like just making a box with the \hspace command makes a narrower box like this:



And I tried to use the \vspace command to make it taller but it seems like that doesn't work in math mode :\

hectictar  Mar 15, 2022

Thanks Hectictar,


I really like that \phantom one !  

And the \hspace{3cm}b  looks like it would be really useful.



It is good to have seome more commands that actually do work here  laugh


I will add an a link to this thread, to the Latex thread that is found in the sticky notes.

Melody  Mar 15, 2022
edited by Melody  Mar 15, 2022

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