Use a ration to solve.
So if 93.1 NZD is equivalent to 100 AUD...
We can use 788 NZD as a numerator to find how much it would be in AUD.
$${\frac{{\mathtt{93.1}}}{{\mathtt{100}}}} = {\frac{{\mathtt{788}}}{{\mathtt{x}}}} \Rightarrow {\mathtt{x}} = {\frac{{\mathtt{788\,000}}}{{\mathtt{931}}}} \Rightarrow {\mathtt{x}} = {\mathtt{846.401\: \!718\: \!582\: \!169\: \!71}}$$
The value of 788 NZD in AUD is ~846.40 AUD
How did you come with more AUD when converting from less NZD to AUD?? Australian Dollar has never been weaker than New Zealand's dollar!! It is not a matter of simple maths calculation with random rates.