
I think different members do this differently.

I just tried to upload a pic from my computer in the 'normal' way and I could not make it work.

So maybe other people can comment here.



I have used a slightly different method for a long time now and it works perfectly.



I have downloaded a tiny free program called  'Gyazo' onto my computer.

(There is a paid version as well but the free version is all you need)

Gyazo is a screen capture program that puts a png file straight into the cloud.

You can capture the pic you want (By putting a box around it)  just like you would if you were using the MS snip function.


After you make the capture. 

A new page will pop up on your computer that will look something like this.

click on the share.  And copy the  DIRECT LINK





Open the image box in the web2.0calc ribbon on the post you are making. It will come up with a popup like this one below

(you could have done this earlier if you had wanted to)


You can now past the copied URL (which will end with   .png  ) into the URL box.

DO NOT hit upload - JUST hit ENTER on your keyboard and the pic will  be posted.




I know this sounds complicated and someone may post an easier sounding method or one that suits you better but this is how I do it and once it is all set up it is VERY easy and fast for me.

 Feb 14, 2019
edited by Melody  Feb 14, 2019

All I do is right click on the image I have and I click copy image address. Then when inserting the image, I just copy the address down.


For some reason, uploading the images on a Chromebook doesn't work. I think the Web2.0 Admin should fix that.



If the image can't be right clicked, the Chromebook actually has an automatic feature that captures any part of the screen just like Gyazo, so that's how I insert pictures.

 Feb 14, 2019

I think....

To do that the file image would have to be uploaded somewhere already and only certain file formats would be accepted.

Is this correct?


I just tried to put in one of cupcake's pics your way CalculatorUser.

I thought it worked but the pic disappears when I go to 'show preview.'   angry

 Feb 14, 2019
edited by Melody  Feb 14, 2019
edited by Melody  Feb 14, 2019

Here is one of cupcakes's images


How would other people go about posting it as a pic instead of as a link.

 Feb 14, 2019




I save it first to my desktop then click on 'Image' Upload, then choose the file on my dekstop and submit it. 

Guest Feb 14, 2019

Thanks guest, your method obviously works  laugh

I like my method because it is tidier. I mean I don't have everything over my dsektop.  

But I guess if you wanted you could dedicate a file to these types of saves and that way would make your method quite tidy.

Your method is certainly simpler in that no downlad program is needed.  cool

Melody  Feb 14, 2019

This is how i do it once i have save the picture i want to a certian folder.


1 CLICK or Upload--->


After click the image you want to upload THEN PRESS IM NOT A ROBOT and click upload!

Then Click "OK" ! smiley


StarStrike  Feb 14, 2019

Very well presented StarStrike.  I am impressed !!!     cool

Melody  Feb 14, 2019

I use the method StarStrike described above to post images, as well. 

TheXSquaredFactor  Feb 16, 2019

the image has to be .png or .jpeg if it is not this type of image it may not work by link but you can right click and click "save image as" and select the folder to save in and click save 

then clickthen click upload then select ALL FILES then select the image then upload the image.

travisio  Feb 21, 2019

Some of us on Chromebooks and cell phones do not get that option. 

Nacirema  Sep 4, 2020

Here is an old post for when things are not working properly.



 Mar 1, 2019

Here is a new post about this by CPhill.


It is another method that Chris uses that you might also like



 Aug 25, 2019

You could take the picture by ctrl-shift-3 and upload it using the image function. Also I tried creating an account but it said server error. What's wrong?

 Sep 1, 2019

I am posting this on behalf of Nacirema.  I have not tried it myself.


Copied from a private message:

"Sorry, it will not let me post. Can you post this on my behalf please:"


I have a fairly nifty trick which I use to upload the screenshots when the image file does not pull up. In fact, this works with almost any image I try to upload to https://web2.0calc.com! Please read to the end, I do not want you to do it the hard way.

Step 1: Create a second email. 

Step 2: Go to http://hangouts.google.com.              I know this sounds irrelevant, but trust me it works. 

Step 3: Feed in the email address to the (+Add Contact) option. 

Step 4: Go to http://hangouts.google.com on the new email address.

Step 5: Go to invites and accept the invitation.

Step 6: Upload the image that you want to paste onto http://web2.0calc.com.

Step 7: Once it has sent, click on the image. It will open a new tab.

Step 8: Copy the URL Code and come back here. 

Step 9: Click on the image option and paste the URL Code into the URL Code slot. It ought to have uploaded by this time. You are done. Once this is done, and each time you want to upload a new image, repeat from Step 6, not Step 1. This saves significant time.



 Sep 4, 2020

I also have a method to upload a picture using imgur. Here are the steps. 


1. Go to Imgur.com

2. Click the New Post button in the upper left-hand corner. 

3. Create a new post by dropping the image in or opening it from your computer. 

4. Drag the image into a new tab (like the image below). 

5. Copy the I.Imgur link into the insert image section on web2.0calc and adjust the height accordingly. 

 Jun 3, 2021

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