LaTex is a mathematics presentation language that can be used on this forum.
It is used in many other places as well.
This can be very confusing when you first use it but if you start with little things like using it to write fractions then it is easy to build your knowledge from there.
If you are interested in learning say so in a new post and we will be very pleased to help you.
I was looking for some early LaTex coding examples that were supposed to be in the sticky notes but they are displaying.
Some of the coding does not work in this new version of the forum but I still want to be able to find these posts,
So.. I'm putting them here
This first one I am only including for historical value, it was posted before we had LaTex here at all dated 5th March 2014
Now for the real ones
(1) This is a big one dated from dated 28th April 2014
(2) This has good information to help get you started.
It was written by MaxWong dated 7th July 16
Thanks Max
(3) Another by MaxWong dated 10th July 2016
Here is a post discussing a couple of Latex converters. I have not used it but it looks like it coud be really good! (web2 page)
This is the actual latex equation editor.
And here is a virtual maths keyboard
Here is one, by GingerAle and Hectictar, that Hectictar just asked me to include. Thanks Girls :)
This is the original thread but I will includ most of the salient coding underneath.
∠ABC=27°∡ABC=27°⌢ABC=27°∧AC=27°⌢AC=27° ⌢AC=27°
\angle {ABC} &=& 27° \\
\measuredangle{ABC} &=& 27° \\
\stackrel {\; \frown} {ABC} &=& 27° \\
\stackrel { \hspace{.1em} \wedge} {AC} &=& 27° \\
\stackrel {\, \hspace{.1em} \frown} {AC} &=& 27° \\
\hline \end{array}\\\
\overset{\; \frown}{AC} = 27° \\
I only just realised that Ginger has not used the \boxed command.
I wonder how she got the vertical side lines on her box?? I'll have to work it out ://
Arr got it, it is a part of the array command.
Thanks Ginger :)
Oh Hectictar also mentioned that there is a number of ways to get the degree sign.
These are Hectictars words:
"I have noticed that there are actually two signs that look like degree signs in the "special character" selection. One of them is a masculine ordinal indicator: º and the other is the degree sign: ° . (If you hover over the symbol it tells the name of it.)
I just use the command ^\circ Like this 5^\circ displays as 5∘
Courtesy of Heureka :)
\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline && \mathbf{(t-1)^3 + 6(t-1)^2 + 12(t-1) + 8 } \\
&=& (t-1)^3 + 3(t-1)^2+3(t-1) +1\\
&& \quad + 3(t-1)^2+9(t-1)+7 \\
&=& t^3 + 3(t-1)^2+9(t-1)+7 \\
&=& t^3 + 3(t^2-2t+1)+9t-9+7 \\
&=& t^3 + 3t^2-6t+3+9t-9+7 \\
&=& t^3 + 3t^2+3t+1 \quad & | \quad (1+t)^3 = t^3+3t^2+3t+1\\
&\mathbf{=}& \mathbf{(1+t)^3} \\
\hline \end{array}
Some interesting coding by GingerAle and Heureka: Thanks to both of you :)
It is from this question:
n=3331⋅1247⋅[1247φ(231)−1(mod231)]⏟=modulo inverse 1247 mod 231⏟=1247230−1mod231⏟=1247229mod231⏟=113+1361⋅231⋅[231φ(1247)−1(mod1247)]⏟=modulo inverse 231 mod 1247⏟=2311246−1mod1247⏟=2311245mod1247⏟=637n=3331⋅1247⋅[113]+1361⋅231⋅[637]n=469374541+200267067n=669641608n(modm)=669641608(mod288057)=197140n=197140+k⋅288057k∈Znmin=197140
\begin{array}{rcll} n &=& {\color{red}3331} \cdot {\color{green}1247} \cdot \underbrace{ \underbrace{ \underbrace{ \underbrace{ [ {\color{green}1247}^{\varphi({\color{green}231})-1} \pmod {{\color{green}231}} ] }_{=\text{modulo inverse 1247 mod 231} } }_{=1247^{230-1} \mod {231} }}_{=1247^{229} \mod {231}}}_{=113} + {\color{red}1361} \cdot {\color{green}231} \cdot \underbrace{ \underbrace{ \underbrace{ \underbrace{ [ {\color{green}231}^{\varphi({\color{green}1247})-1} \pmod {{\color{green}1247}} ] }_{=\text{modulo inverse 231 mod 1247} } }_{=231^{1246-1} \mod {1247} }}_{=231^{1245} \mod {1247}}}_{=637}\\\\
n &=& {\color{red}3331} \cdot {\color{green}1247} \cdot [ 113] + {\color{red}1361} \cdot {\color{green}231} \cdot [637] \\
n &=& 469374541 + 200267067 \\ n &=& 669641608 \\\\ && n\pmod {m}\\ &=& 669641608 \pmod {288057} \\
&=& 197140 \\\\
n &=& 197140 + k\cdot 288057 \qquad k \in Z\\\\
\mathbf{n_{min}} & \mathbf{=}& \mathbf{197140 }
You can also visit the Wikibooks article on how to code LaTeX:
Here is a cool website:
If you are trying to find the code for a certain symbol, draw it in the box and it will give you a list of symbols and their codes that look like what you drew!
Also, you can click the "symbols" button to see a list of LaTeX symbols.
Here is a knew one I just saw
this is really interestig because I did not go into LaTex to do this.
I just opened it with \[
then the code
x^2 + \dfrac{5}{3}x + \boxed{\phantom{000}}.
and closed it with the close ] command.
I think it would have worked almost as good If I had opened it with a dollar sign and closed it with a dollar sign
Piecewise Graphs:
f(x)={k(x)if x>3,x2−6x+12if x≤3.
f(x) = (backslash) begin{cases} k(x) &\text{if }x>3, \\ x^2-6x+12&\text{if }x\leq3. \end{cases}
How can Iget LaTex to render without using the LaTex box?
GingerAle shows us how!
BOLD FACE, UNDERLINING AND ITALICS,_italics_and_underlining
The best way to put bf and other fonts on and off.
Use \textbf
If you just use \bf then all the rest that you write will also be in bold face.
Hello all, just a few resources for using LaTeX.
I found a great resource on AoPS about LaTeX. It's not a gigantic read, so I suggest that if you want to learn LaTeX to a deeper extent to look at this webpage. It also covers aligning equations.
If you want to create LaTeX Tables, use this webpage to generate one.
The only problem is that webpage doesn't allow math input for the tables.
You can also learn to make them yourself in the below link.
If you don't know how to do some LaTeX symbols, that's no problem. You can just directly search them up online, and there will definitely be some great sources.
If you are making complicated, hard-to-read equations in LaTeX, then don't spend your time getting confused over the syntax! All you got to do is to type the equation up in the Desmos Graphing Calculator! Copy the result, and then if you paste it, then it will be in LaTeX. All you have to do is to wrap it with dollar signs.
-CitrusCornflakes :) $\int_{0}^{\pi}\sin\left(x\right)\ dx\ =\left(-\cos\left(\pi\right)+C\right)-\left(-\cos\left(0\right)+C\right)=2$ courtesy of Bginner 21/6/21
begin{eqnarray*} \dfrac{x+1}{x-1} &=& \frac{5}{4} \\
\dfrac{(x+1)+(x-1)}{(x+1)-(x-1)} &=& \dfrac{5+4}{5-4} \\
\dfrac{2x}{2} &=& \dfrac{9}{1} \\
x &=& 9 \end{eqnarray*}
How to make an empty box of various horizontal length
\boxed{\color{white}ABCDEF }
There are more spacing ideas from Hectictar here