
1 Erica is playing Target One Fractions. She has these cards: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6.

a .Which three cards should she choose to make a whole number and a fraction that have a product close to 1?

b. Write an expression for the problem Erica will solve.

c. Solve the problem

d. what is ericas score for this round



Billy made 60 cards to give away on valentines day. Help billy figure out how many cards he will give to his family his teachers and his friends.

a. if billy gives 1/3 how many does he give his family

b. if billy gives 1/4 how many of the cards does he give to his teachers

c. if billy gives 5/12 of the cards to his friends how many does he have



3x4/5=4x3/5    T or F

3x4/5+5x3/4     T or F

3x4/5=4/5x3     T or F

 Feb 4, 2020

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