


a.) Evaluate j(-1) given j(x) = 2x4 - x3 - 35x2 + 16x + 48.

2(-1)4 - (-1)3 - 35(-1)2 + 16(-1) + 48 = 0

2 + 1 - 35 - 16 + 48 = 0


b.) Explain what your answer tells you about x + 1 as a factor.

It tells you that when the binomial x + 1 is divided with j(x) then is it divided equally with a remainder of 0 so it is a factor.


c.) Algebraically find the remaining zeros of j(x).

 Mar 10, 2019
edited by GAMEMASTERX40  Mar 10, 2019

Nice presentation GameMaster, I am impressed with your new style of delivery :)


You know that x+1 is a factor so if you divide  j(x) by x-1 you will find at least one more factor.

I have done it to check that it works nicely but I want you to the the division for yourself.

I just used normal algebraic long division but i suppose you could use synthetic division if you know that method.


Anyway, after you do that it is relatively easy to break the new factor into 3 to get all the  factors.

Once you have the factors you can get the zeros very easily.


Give it a go and if you get stuck then explain to us what your problem is  laugh

 Mar 10, 2019


b.) Explain what your answer tells you about x + 1 as a factor.

It tells you that when the binomial x + 1 is divided with j(x) then is it divided equally with a remainder of 0 so it is a factor.


c.) Algebraically find the remaining zeros of j(x).



 Mar 10, 2019
edited by Omi67  Mar 10, 2019

Thanks Omi for that beautifully presented answer but we (many of us anyway) are trying to get the askers to do some thinking for themselves.

This will increase learning and decrease cheating. 


That is why I very purposefully gave a part answer. 

 Mar 10, 2019
edited by Melody  Mar 10, 2019

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