Since the denominators (bottom numbers) are the same, we can just add the numerators (top numbers):
2 + 1 = 3, so $${\frac{{\mathtt{2}}}{{\mathtt{5}}}}{\mathtt{\,\small\textbf+\,}}{\frac{{\mathtt{1}}}{{\mathtt{5}}}} = {\frac{{\mathtt{3}}}{{\mathtt{5}}}} = {\mathtt{0.6}}$$
Since the denominators (bottom numbers) are the same, we can just add the numerators (top numbers):
2 + 1 = 3, so $${\frac{{\mathtt{2}}}{{\mathtt{5}}}}{\mathtt{\,\small\textbf+\,}}{\frac{{\mathtt{1}}}{{\mathtt{5}}}} = {\frac{{\mathtt{3}}}{{\mathtt{5}}}} = {\mathtt{0.6}}$$
I answered it correctly; there is no need to answer an already answered question.
True, but it is more productive to answer something not already answered.