
1: The smaller square in the figure below has a perimeter of 4 cm, and the larger square has an area of 16 cm^2. What is the distance from point A to point B? Express your answer as a decimal to the nearest tenth.


2: In the diagram, triangle ABE, triangle BCE and triangle CDE are right-angled, with angle AEB = angle BEC = angle CED = 60 degrees, and AE=24.

Find the perimeter of quadrilateral ABCD.


Thanks for all the help!

 Feb 20, 2018



The side of the smaller square  = 1 cm   and the side of the larger square  = 4 cm


Let the distance from  the top right of the smaller square to the intersection of AB with the side of the larger square  = x


So  the small triangle formed above the smaller square has a hypotenuse of   √[ 1 + x^2]


And  the larger triangle formed at the "top" part  of the larger square has  legs of  4  and [ (4) - (1 + x)]  =  (3 -x)    so    the hypotenuse  of this triangle  is  √  [ 4^2  + (3 - x)^2 ]  =

√ [  16  + 9 - 6x  + x^2 ]  =  √ [ x^2 - 6x + 25 ]


And the triangles are similar  such that


1 / √[ 1 + x^2]  =  4 /  √ [ x^2 - 6x + 25 ]      cross-multiply


√ [ x^2 - 6x + 25 ]  =  4 √[ 1 + x^2]          square both sides


x^2  - 6x + 25   =  16 (x^2 + 1)


x^2  - 6x + 25  =  16x^2  + 16


15x^2 + 6x - 9  =  0


5x^2  + 2x - 3  =  0


(5x - 3) (x + 1)  =  0


Setting each factor to 0 and solving for x produces   x  = 3/5  = .6  and x  = -1


But  x  is a length so it can't be negative


So  x  =  3/5 cm = .6cm


So....the length of AB  is


√[ 1 + (.6)^2]   +   √ [ (.6)^2 - 6(.6) + 25 ]  =


√ [ 1.36]  +  √ [ 21.76 ]  ≈ 5.8  cm    




cool cool cool

 Feb 20, 2018


2. We can  find AB  thusly


sin (60)  = AB / 24

24 * √3 /2  =  AB

12√3  = AB


And  BE  =  (1/2)  of   AE  = 12


But ABE  and  BCE form similar triangles

So....if  BE  is  (1/2) of AE

Then BC  is  (1/2)  of AB  = 6√3

And CE  is  1/2 of BE  =  6


And triangle DCE is similar to triangle CBE

So since CE  is (1/2) of BE....then...

ED  is(1/2)  of CE  = 3     and

DC  is (1/2) BC  = 3√3


So  the perimeter of   ABCD  =


AB + BC + CD  + DE + EA  =

12√3  + 6√3  + 3√3  + 3  + 24  =

 [ 21√3  +   27 ] cm  ≈  63.4 cm


If I haven't made any errors  !!!!


cool cool cool

 Feb 20, 2018

First one: slightly different approach...see diagram   the 1's and 4's were given in the question for the squares,

 Feb 20, 2018

HAHAHA!!!....that's WAY easier than my clumsy approach....thanks, EP!!!




cool cool cool

CPhill  Feb 20, 2018

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