guys guys guys, nice try doing this problem, but I believe you Anonymous (the orginization that hacks people's bank accounts and hate me the most out of every user of this entire server and that I also hate back the most) are wrong this time
lets do this the AWESOME way
lets deploy.......release the dragon today! oh how long have i been waiting to crush my worst enemy here!
so, you got:
you dont add 8 with 15, as anonymous may believe
you make 15 into a new fraction:
you want to make sure the denomenators of both fractions are the same
since 1 is equivelant to 8, times 15 by 8 and 1 by 8, equals
now both denomenators are the same
now its:
256/8+120/8 now the denomenators cant change, and both fractions are equal and addible
the improper fraction answer is:
if you want it simplified though, divide simply 376 by 8, equaling 47, which means:
good game anonymous, but i won this round!
i finally beated my #1 enemy on the forums!!!!!!!
lets play some music as a reward!
The question is a bit misleading. They can be two ways to do this with only one being correct.
1. 2568+15=47
2. 256(8+15)=25623=11.1304347826086957
guys guys guys, nice try doing this problem, but I believe you Anonymous (the orginization that hacks people's bank accounts and hate me the most out of every user of this entire server and that I also hate back the most) are wrong this time
lets do this the AWESOME way
lets deploy.......release the dragon today! oh how long have i been waiting to crush my worst enemy here!
so, you got:
you dont add 8 with 15, as anonymous may believe
you make 15 into a new fraction:
you want to make sure the denomenators of both fractions are the same
since 1 is equivelant to 8, times 15 by 8 and 1 by 8, equals
now both denomenators are the same
now its:
256/8+120/8 now the denomenators cant change, and both fractions are equal and addible
the improper fraction answer is:
if you want it simplified though, divide simply 376 by 8, equaling 47, which means:
good game anonymous, but i won this round!
i finally beated my #1 enemy on the forums!!!!!!!
lets play some music as a reward!
Hi Titanium,
You got the same answer as anonymous did!
You just did it the L O N G way. You must be taking lessons of me I think LOL :))
Good answer anon, Yours was right too Titanium :))
Give anon back his point Titanium, don't be mean !
Big smiles but still give him back his point!
hmmm, maybe i did
at least the long way is the more beneficial way
it helps me improve on my writing and decreases my laziness
what do you mean by lessons? LATEX LESSONS!!!????
this is what they taught me at camp:
No no LaTex,
I have earned a reputation for doing things the long way - maybe you learned that from me :))
Do you like that Titanium? Now give that point back !!! :)))
I gave that point, so in a way you stole/took it from me :/
ill only do it just to not face the risk of getting banned
how come i cant hate my #1 rival anywhere? only at camp i can hate my enemy
what is this? a message from the foundation for a better life that tells me i sholuld be friends with the enemy!?
That's much better. Now I am all happy and so should you be :))
Thanks for giving anon the extra point, he deserved it :))
i dont think he did
but if itll make you stop complaining, then ill thumbs it up
YES befriend you enemy - Then you can know what he is up to and be one step in front of him.
That is what spies do. But I don't really think that you should be a spy :)
im just glad i finally beated my #1 enemy of the forums
the next crowing achievement of Titanium Rome's career at is here!
whats next!?
I don't know about that.
Nauseated is funny but he is not ususally too friendly. Do you think he is into infiltration?
I think he may be too caustic for that :/
maybe zegroes......hes always the serious one, especially serious about his hatred of roses
im not a spy, im the op man..........i even have back up proof in pixel gun 3d
i really need to start thinking which role anyone will play in a good vs evil situation
Hey, I’m your friendly neighborhood troll. I charge a fair fare to cross my bridge, (most cats and dogs cross tollfree). I rarely throw anyone in the river because they can’t pay the fair. I do throw them in if they have CDD. That’s to prevent them from contaminating the kingdom. I have responsibilities and I take them seriously. I even jump in myself when I have a flare up :)
nauseated, i dont think youd want to steal Spider man's quote
if anyone ever gets mad at me in this situation just becuz i prove a point out, theres always one thing to do: RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eyyy, dark blaze, you dont wanna start a war with me, so no more complaining!
that goes to everyone else too! No complaining!
also, to answer your question, i have a completely hostile hatred with anonymous people. i can fully state my opinion in a separate document if you so desire and itll make you understand and stop complaining
one more time you complain, and I will release my favorite, most deadly weapon Titanium Industries has EVAR made. even bettter, you guys have not seen it yet, so theres no way you guys can predict it (I'm speaking australian here, so this means it applies to both males and females)
and its called The Fire Demon
see if you can figure it out
Best forum of 2015 so far.
To be more specific, what did the anons do to you?
if you want to find out, just search in the box thingy by:TitaniumRome, and you can view my history
or if youre too lazy to do that for some reason, this is more of a private message convo than a public convo, so if you wanna know, message me privately
I composed this shortly after MG made his comment. I waited for the post to cool to avoid influence from measurement and comment. (I then forgot about it, until now).
All of this over " 256 over 8 plus 15 "
... Wow.
This forum is amazing.
You are right MG this forum is amazing. What you see here is a classic example of social chaos.
Generally known as “Chaos Theory,” the chaos in this case is not as much the dictionary definition of “disorder and confusion,” but the mathematical and physics related definition of behavior that is unpredictable and appears as random. It is not truly random though. While this phenomenon cannot be calculated with precision, it can usually be estimated within a range of probable outcomes.
Consider the original math question and subsequent answer. It is not likely that anyone could predict the intense social posts that would follow. Though other similar questions have produced similar social posting, there is nothing obvious about why that happens.
By the third post, there may be a notable “common denominator” to other posts exhibiting social chaos. TR posted on it. This now begins to explain some of it.When TR posts a reply the probability for chaos increases because TR has a large and verbose social following. While anyone posting a social comment may induce more social comments, TR has a unique gift of turning it into social chaos.
A related component of chaos theory is “Catastrophe Theory.” The models for Catastrophe demonstrate how sudden and large changes in behavior arise from small changes in circumstances. Here, again, TR has the unique gift of turning posts into social Catastrophes.
After Melody responds to TR’s post and point swiping, the probability the post would continue in the social mode increases greatly. That TR was involved made it a near certainty that social chaos would follow.
My name was mentioned which compelled a response from me. I considered using this line to introduce the post: “Hey, I’m your humble and lovable neighborhood troll. . . . .” More Underdog than Spiderman, here.
I didn’t do this because the risk of Melody hurting herself from falling out of her chair following a fit of uncontrollable laughter. (I’m also a considerate troll).
Consider the sensitivity to small changes in conditions. For example, what if I wrote, “TR’s military command is similar to the boss p*g on a farm. . . .”? With this, he would retaliate and that would annoy the mods. The is nearly a certainty, because derogatory words and terms are used to enflame the social structure. Some words are so inflammatory they tend lose any useful meaning in a rational conversation.
However, If I said, “TR is a skilled student of mathematics,” this would be worse. Again, the mods, and many other forum members, might hurt themselves from excessive laughter. I have a responsibility to limit my comments to prevent potential harm. Owing to the great sensitivity to small changes in conditions, especially coming from a troll, it’s too risky to say those things no matter how much laughter it may bring.
On the surface, malicious behavior seems to suffers little consequence for a snarky post that creates an uncontrollable form of social chaos, where things that were once stable begin to spiral out of control, either from rage or laughter. Or both at the same time.
I'm a socially responsible troll. I try not to do those things. I usually fail!