If you're dividing a fraction, you can multiply by the recriprocal of that fraction. Or, in other words, flip the second fraction. Here's how you'd solve this:
$$\frac{-3}{7}\div \frac{11}{35}$$
Flip the second fraction and multiply:
$$\frac{-3}{7}\times \frac{35}{11}$$
Reduce the fractions:
$$\frac{-3}{{\not}7}\times \frac{{\not}35 \;5}{11}$$
$$\frac{-3}{1}\times \frac{5}{11}$$
If you're dividing a fraction, you can multiply by the recriprocal of that fraction. Or, in other words, flip the second fraction. Here's how you'd solve this:
$$\frac{-3}{7}\div \frac{11}{35}$$
Flip the second fraction and multiply:
$$\frac{-3}{7}\times \frac{35}{11}$$
Reduce the fractions:
$$\frac{-3}{{\not}7}\times \frac{{\not}35 \;5}{11}$$
$$\frac{-3}{1}\times \frac{5}{11}$$