
3x+y=4 -6x-2y=12    x=___  y=___

 Sep 3, 2014

Best Answer 


This is because these 2 lines are paralle.

they have the same gradient

I can tell straight off that they are parallel because


The -2 is not important.  It is important that one is a constant multiple of the other.

 Sep 4, 2014

This is a system of equations:


3x + y = 4

-6x - 2y = 12


Note, we can multiply the first equation by 2 and then add the two equations together!


2(3x + y) = 2(4)

-6x - 2y = 12


    6x + 2y = 8

+ -6x - 2y = 12


0 = 20.

0 cannot equal 20.


There is no solution!

 Sep 4, 2014
Best Answer

This is because these 2 lines are paralle.

they have the same gradient

I can tell straight off that they are parallel because


The -2 is not important.  It is important that one is a constant multiple of the other.

Melody Sep 4, 2014

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