
51% of the fish in a pond are swordtails. The rest are mollies and guppies in the ratio 5:2. There are 222 more swordtails than guppies. How many fish are there in the pond altogether?(please help me with this within 5 minutes)

 Aug 2, 2015

Best Answer 


51% of the fish in a pond are swordtails. The rest are mollies and guppies in the ratio 5:2. There are 222 more swordtails than guppies. How many fish are there in the pond altogether?(please help me with this within 5 minutes)


Thr mollies and guppies comprise the other 49% of the fish.....if they are in the ratio of 5:2, then 35% of the total are mollies and 14% are guppies.


Let T be the total number of fish.  Then.........


51% T   =  14%T + 222      or


.51T = .14T + 222     subtract .14T from both sides


.37T = 222   divide both sides by ,37


T = 222/.37 = 600 fish total


Check .....    51% are swordtails = 306


14% are guppies = 84


And 306 - 84 = 222



 Aug 2, 2015
Best Answer

51% of the fish in a pond are swordtails. The rest are mollies and guppies in the ratio 5:2. There are 222 more swordtails than guppies. How many fish are there in the pond altogether?(please help me with this within 5 minutes)


Thr mollies and guppies comprise the other 49% of the fish.....if they are in the ratio of 5:2, then 35% of the total are mollies and 14% are guppies.


Let T be the total number of fish.  Then.........


51% T   =  14%T + 222      or


.51T = .14T + 222     subtract .14T from both sides


.37T = 222   divide both sides by ,37


T = 222/.37 = 600 fish total


Check .....    51% are swordtails = 306


14% are guppies = 84


And 306 - 84 = 222



CPhill Aug 2, 2015

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