This is an example of applying the minus sign to everything enclosed in the respective brackets.
-(22 - 18) can also be written as -1*(22-18).
83 - [59 - (22 - 18)]
83 -59 +(22 - 18)
83 -59 +22 -18
I think you can do the rest :)
Zac is correct but if you are a little kid it might be confusing.
83 - [59 - (22 - 18)]
Just do the brackets on the inside and work outwards from there.
22-18=4 so it becomes
83 - [59 - 4]
59-4=55 so it becomes
and you can finish it :)
Good point I did wonder if I was overcomplicating it a little. It's just how I go through it in my head.