A barn is 100 ft long and 40 feet wide. A cross section of the roof is the inverted catenary y=31-10(e^x/20+e^-x/20). Find the number of square feet of roofing of the barn.
A barn is 100 ft long and 40 feet wide. A cross section of the roof is the inverted catenary
y=31-10(e^x/20+e^-x/20). Find the number of square feet of roofing of the barn.
I assume roofing of the barn is length of catenary * wide of the barn:
The graph of the function f(x):
The length L of the catenary is:
L=50∫−50√1+[f′(x)]2 dx=50∫−50√1+sinh2(x20) dx|1+sinh2(x20)=cosh2(x20)=50∫−50√cosh2(x20) dx=50∫−50cosh(x20) dx=[ 20⋅sinh(x20) ]50−50=20⋅[ sinh(x20) ]50−50=20⋅[ sinh(5020)−sinh(−5020) ]=20⋅[ sinh(2.5)−sinh(−2.5) ]=20⋅[ sinh(2.5)+sinh(2.5) ]=20⋅2⋅sinh(2.5)=40⋅sinh(2.5)=40⋅6.0502044810397875=242.0081792415915 feet
The number of square feet of roofing of the barn is:
242.0081792415915 feet×40feet=9680.32716964 square feet
Can't speak for others on this site, but show that you have made some sort of attempt and I will help you.
I'm not willing to simply write out a solution.
A barn is 100 ft long and 40 feet wide. A cross section of the roof is the inverted catenary
y=31-10(e^x/20+e^-x/20). Find the number of square feet of roofing of the barn.
I assume roofing of the barn is length of catenary * wide of the barn:
The graph of the function f(x):
The length L of the catenary is:
L=50∫−50√1+[f′(x)]2 dx=50∫−50√1+sinh2(x20) dx|1+sinh2(x20)=cosh2(x20)=50∫−50√cosh2(x20) dx=50∫−50cosh(x20) dx=[ 20⋅sinh(x20) ]50−50=20⋅[ sinh(x20) ]50−50=20⋅[ sinh(5020)−sinh(−5020) ]=20⋅[ sinh(2.5)−sinh(−2.5) ]=20⋅[ sinh(2.5)+sinh(2.5) ]=20⋅2⋅sinh(2.5)=40⋅sinh(2.5)=40⋅6.0502044810397875=242.0081792415915 feet
The number of square feet of roofing of the barn is:
242.0081792415915 feet×40feet=9680.32716964 square feet
Hello Herr Heureka,
It seems odd that a barn (or even an airplane hangar) would have such a high and massively large roof for a short length.
Wouldn’t you just integrate from -20 to 20 --the width of the barn? This would make the roof area 4701 Ft2 for a 40’ x 100’ barn. This seems more aesthetic and consistent with common barn structures.
Gruß Ginger
A barn is 100 ft long and 40 feet wide. A cross section of the roof is the inverted catenary y=31-10(e^x/20+e^-x/20). Find the number of square feet of roofing of the barn.
Here is the cross section of my barn, I painted it purple :)
consider the length of the arc of the roof on the 40 foot side. Using Pythagoras (this is really cool)
dL2=dx2+dy2(dLdx)2=1+(dydx)2dLdx=√1+(dydx)2L=∫20−20√1+(dydx)2dxSo the area of the roof would beArea=100∫20−20√1+(dydx)2dxfeet2
so my starting point is now the same as Heurekas except if have got the catenary over the short side which makes more sense to me :)
Heureka has done the rest already :)))))