A coast guard cutter detects an unidentified ship at 20.0km in the direction 15.0 degrees east of north. The ship is traveling at 26.0km/h on a course at 40.0 degrees east of north. The Coast Guard wishes to send a speed boat to intercept and inveatigate the vessel. If the speedboat travels at 50.0km/h , in what direction should it head?
Let the point (x,y ) be the point where the speed boat intercepts the vessel
Let t be the time taken to intercept.
Let alpha be the angle between East and the direction the speed boat travels (as shown in the diagram)
So the bearing of the speed boat will be N(90-alpha)E
90−62.304975095575=27.695024904425 = 27 degrees 41minutes and 42 seconds
The speed boat needs to set a course for
What a great question and Heureka and I even agree :)))
A coast guard cutter detects an unidentified ship at 20.0km in the direction 15.0 degrees east of north. The ship is traveling at 26.0km/h on a course at 40.0 degrees east of north. The Coast Guard wishes to send a speed boat to intercept and inveatigate the vessel. If the speedboat travels at 50.0km/h , in what direction should it head?
We set t = time
The speed boat needs to set a course for
Thank you Melody, i don't need to divide by 16, my mistake!
That is a really interesting question. And a great answer
I wish I could give you more points Heureka
Let the point (x,y ) be the point where the speed boat intercepts the vessel
Let t be the time taken to intercept.
Let alpha be the angle between East and the direction the speed boat travels (as shown in the diagram)
So the bearing of the speed boat will be N(90-alpha)E
= 27 degrees 41minutes and 42 seconds
The speed boat needs to set a course for
What a great question and Heureka and I even agree :)))