
1:  In rectangle ABCD below, we have DP = PC and < BAC = 23 degrees. Find the number of degrees in < QDA + < PDC.


2:  Equilateral triangle ABE is constructed inside square ABCD as shown. Find < ECD in degrees.

3:  In the diagram below, we have line AB is parallel to line CD, EF = FG, < BEF = 100 degrees + x degrees, and < AEG = x degrees. Find the value of x.

4:  A rectangle is made out of unit squares as shown below. Find the total area in square units of the red shaded region.




I know this is a bit unusual but I'm super sick right now and I missed my class.  Any help is appreciated and huge thanks to anyone with the answers!

 Jan 31, 2018

Mmmmm....let's see..


1) Since BAC  = 23, then angle DAQ  will be complementary to this  = 90 - 23  = 67

And QDA  =  90 - DAQ  =  23


And since DP = PC, then in triangle DPC.....angle  DCP = angle PDC

But......since tranversal AC  cuts parallels DC and AB....then angle BAC  = angle DCP  = 23

So....PDC  also = 23




QDA  + PDC   =  23 + 23   =  46°



cool cool cool

 Jan 31, 2018



Because transversal EF cuts parallels AB, CD.....then angle  BEF  = angle GFE

And since  EF = FG.....then angles FEG  and EGF are equal


So.....angle FEG  =  [  180  - (100 +x) ] / 2   =  (80 - x)/2


And angles  BEF +  FEG + AEG  = 180


Sustituting....we have   that


(100 + x)  +  (80 - x) / 2  +  x   =   180      multiply through by 2


2(100 + x)  + 80 - x  + 2x  =  360     simplify


200 +2x  + 80 - x + 2x  =  360


280  + 3x  =  360     subtract 280  from both sides


3x  =  80       divide both sides by 3


x  = 80/3 °   ≈  26.66°



cool cool cool

 Jan 31, 2018

4)  This one isn't too difficult


The total area of the rectangle  is  7 x 5   =  35 units^2    (1) 


The white triangle is obtuse.....

The base of this triangle......sitting on the "bottom" of the rectangle  = 2 units

The altitude occurs outside the triangle   and is  =  5 units


So....the area of this triangle is   (1/2) base * altitude  =  (1/2) (2) (5)  =  5 units^2    (2)


So.....the red  area is just the difference of (1)  and (2) =


35  -  5    =     30 units^2



P.S.   -  hope you're feeling better  !!!



cool cool cool

 Jan 31, 2018

Thank you so much!  I actually found the transcript of my class from a friend so I'm covered on that front (phew) All your answers were so helpful!

AnonymousConfusedGuy  Jan 31, 2018

2) Note that the side of the equilateral triangle = Side of the square


So.....draw EC


And in triangle ECB,  EB  = CB    and angle CBE  =  30°


But  ....since  EB  = CB, the angles opposite those sides, ECB  and CEB will be equal


And either will be  =     (180  - 30)  /  2   =   150 / 2   =  75°


So....angle ECB  =  75°


So.....angle  ECD  will be complementary to this  =   15°



cool cool cool

 Jan 31, 2018
edited by CPhill  Jan 31, 2018
edited by CPhill  Jan 31, 2018

I actually managed to figure this one out!  Thanks so much though!

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