
A piece of wire 52 cm long is divided into two parts. Each part is made a square, the total area of the two squares will be 97cm^2. What is the length of each section of wire?

 Oct 31, 2015

Let x be one length.....then (52-x)  = the other liength


And since all sides of a square are equal, the length of each of the two sides of the respective squares is x/4 and (52 - x)/4


And we have


(x / 4)^2 +  ([ (52 - x) ] / 4 )^2= 97   simplify


x^/16   + [ x^2 - 104x + 2704 ]  / 16 = 97      multiply both sides by 16, simplify the left side


2x^2 - 104x + 2704 = 1552    subtract 1552 from both sides


2x^2 - 104x + 1152  = 0      divide through by 2


x^2 - 52x + 576 = 0     factor


(x - 16) ( x - 36) = 0


So....one wire is  16cm long and the other is 36 cm long



cool cool cool

 Oct 31, 2015
edited by CPhill  Oct 31, 2015

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