
A plane leaves Heathrow airport at 07:25 and flies due north 280 km to Manchester.

It stays at Manchester for 50 minutes and then flies 210 km due west to Snowdonia.

The Planes flies at an average speed of 420 kmper hour 

 1.  At the what time does the plane arrives in Snowdonia?

 2. Calculate the shortest distance that the plane would need to fly to return from Snowdonia to Heathrow airport

 Nov 11, 2017
edited by Guest  Nov 11, 2017

We have a right triangle


1. One leg is  280 km and the other is 210 km


So......the time it takes to fly  these two legs  is  [ 280 + 210 ] / 420  =  490/420  = 7/6 hours  =


1 hr  10 min  


Add the 50 minute stop  and it arrives at 9:25


2.  Using the Pythagorean Theorem  the shortest distance back  is


√ [ 280^2 + 210^2 ]  =  √122500 =  350 km



cool cool cool

 Nov 11, 2017

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