
A rectangular tank measuring 50 cm by 30 cm by 40 cm is 1/2 filled with water. When 4 metal cubes with an edge of 15 cm are placed in the tank, the water level rises. Find the height of the new water level?

 May 25, 2014

Best Answer 


We don't really need to know how much water is in the bowl or high high the tank is.

the metal cubes will take up $$4\times 15^3=13500cm^3$$

I will assume that 40cm is the height of the tank - the question should have stated this.

The surface area ofthe water is $$50\times 30 = 1500cm^2$$

$${\frac{{\mathtt{13\,500}}}{{\mathtt{1\,500}}}} = {\mathtt{9}}$$

The water will rise 9cm

 May 26, 2014

To find the volume of the tank, you must mulitiply all of the sides. 50*40*30

V= 60,000    However, the water only occupies a space of 30,000 since it's only half filled.

To find the volume of the cubes, you cube the side length given, and multiply by 4 because there are 4 cubes.

4(15^3) = 13,500

That means the water level will rise 13,500. So add that to the water level of 30,000.

43,500 cm is the height of the water level.

 May 26, 2014
Best Answer

We don't really need to know how much water is in the bowl or high high the tank is.

the metal cubes will take up $$4\times 15^3=13500cm^3$$

I will assume that 40cm is the height of the tank - the question should have stated this.

The surface area ofthe water is $$50\times 30 = 1500cm^2$$

$${\frac{{\mathtt{13\,500}}}{{\mathtt{1\,500}}}} = {\mathtt{9}}$$

The water will rise 9cm

Melody May 26, 2014

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