
a sailor sits a 13.4 angle of elevation to the lighthouse. a chart lists the light as 239 ft. above sea level with a shallow reef at a 655 ft. radius from the base of the light house how far is the boat from the reef

 Sep 30, 2014

Best Answer 


If d is the distance of the boat from the lighthouse then

tan(13.4°) = 239/d  or  d = 239/tan(13.4°) so the boat is d - 655 ft from the shallow reef:


$${\frac{{\mathtt{239}}}{\underset{\,\,\,\,^{\textcolor[rgb]{0.66,0.66,0.66}{360^\circ}}}{{tan}}{\left({\mathtt{13.4}}^\circ\right)}}}{\mathtt{\,-\,}}{\mathtt{655}} = {\mathtt{348.216\: \!993\: \!063\: \!345\: \!862\: \!1}}$$

The boat is approximately 348 ft from the reef.

 Sep 30, 2014
Best Answer

If d is the distance of the boat from the lighthouse then

tan(13.4°) = 239/d  or  d = 239/tan(13.4°) so the boat is d - 655 ft from the shallow reef:


$${\frac{{\mathtt{239}}}{\underset{\,\,\,\,^{\textcolor[rgb]{0.66,0.66,0.66}{360^\circ}}}{{tan}}{\left({\mathtt{13.4}}^\circ\right)}}}{\mathtt{\,-\,}}{\mathtt{655}} = {\mathtt{348.216\: \!993\: \!063\: \!345\: \!862\: \!1}}$$

The boat is approximately 348 ft from the reef.

Alan Sep 30, 2014

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