I can't really seem to find a way to use the site's calculator anymore. The default settings on my device block cookies that track your private information, so I can't use the calculator on this website.
This is what it looks like:
To solve this problem, I went to "widgets" and created my widget. I then created a google sites and embedded the iFrame code. A simple loophole, but now you can use the calculator without having to ever pass the annoying adblock message.
If it does not work. Try the alternative method. Use the calculator in the "preview" window.
Your welcome!
Works for some people whose devices have "lighter" defense against privacy trackers. I've seen guests not be able to use the calculator.
The google sites doesn't work for me..... It says:
404. That’s an error.
The requested URL was not found on this server. That’s all
Either your browser or your device. Anyways, you can always go to "widgets" and make your own.