
If I were to buy 3000 water melons and assemble them into the shape of a cube, what is the total surface area and volume?


I would also appreciate the measurements of the sides and weight. 


Here's an extension:


If I were to assemble them into a sphere, what would the surface area and volume be now?

 Jun 9, 2016

In order to figure out wieght, or to get mesurements, I would need to know the weight and mesurments of your watermealons. Also, asembling units into a sphere don't quite work like you seem to think it does. However, I can give you the mesurments of the cube in watermelon-lengths. 


the cube root of 3000 is aproximately 164, so the side of the cube would be 164 watermelons long (aproximately, since 3000 is not a perfect cube).


The volume, of course, would be 3000 watermelons3


The surface area would be 1642 = 26896, times 6, because a cube has 6 sides, = 161376 watermelons2


Multiply the watermelons by the size of one watermelons, in you given problem. 


Hope this helps!



 Jun 11, 2016

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