The problem is: (3t + 4)^5
Instead of simply expanding, my instructor wants me to use Pascal's Triangle.
 Apr 9, 2014

The problem is: (3t + 4)^5
Instead of simply expanding, my instructor wants me to use Pascal's Triangle.

Neat question.

(a+b) n can be written as

Sum[k={0,n} Choose(n,k) a kb n-k]

i.e. Choose(n,0) b n+Choose(n,1) a b n-1 + ... Choose(n,n-1) a n-1b + Choose(n,n) a n

Now you're probably thinking ok wth is "Choose"?

This is the binomial coefficient, "n choose k" and they are the values of a given row in Pascal's triangle. Come down n rows and go over k elements in the triangle and you get the Binomial coefficient corresponding to "n choose k" = Choose(n,k) = Binomial(n,k) (different names for the same thing).

So in this case if you look at the n=5 row (really the 6th row, the first row is n=0) of Pascal's triangle you see it's

1 5 10 10 5 1

in other words

Choose(5,0)=Choose(5,5) = 1
Choose(5,1)=Choose(5,4) = 5
Choose(5,2)=Choose(5,3) = 10

so (a+b) 5 = 1*a 5 + 5 a 4 b + 10 a 3 b 2 + 10 a 2 b 3 + 5 a b 4 + 1 b 5

now let a=3t and b=4 and substitute those into the formula above and simplify things and you're done
 Apr 9, 2014
This is what I think it is although I learned this 2 months ago


the numbers 1,5,10,10,5,1 before each set of a's and/or b's are part of the triangle. If the equation were to the ^4th then it would be 1,4,6,4,1

your final answer though is:

 Apr 9, 2014
Thanks for the quick responses! First time using this site and I'll certainly come back.
 Apr 9, 2014
Ethan Bates:

The problem is: (3t + 4)^5
Instead of simply expanding, my instructor wants me to use Pascal's Triangle.

You have alreay had 2 good answers, I am offering a third.

140409 - Pascal's triangle.JPG

This is pascal's triangle - you are going to use the row where the 5 is the second number.

(3t + 4) 5= 1*(3t) 5*4 0 + 5* (3t) 4*4 1 + 10*(3t) 3*4 2 + 10*(3t) 2*4 3 + 5*(3t) 1*4 4 + 1*(3t) 0*4 5

=(3t) 5 + 5* (3t) 4*4 + 10*(3t) 3*4 2 + 10*(3t) 2*4 3 + 10*(3t)*4 4 + 4 5
 Apr 9, 2014

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