
When will we ever use algebra in our daily lives (unless it is part of our job)?

 Aug 20, 2016

Algebra is used regularly when figuring finances either for a home or business. Engineering and scientific fields also use algebra daily in their lines of work. When looking to make a major purchase and comparing rates of interest, algebra is used. Algebraic equations must be used to determine the exact price after calculating the purchase price plus financing.

When searching for cell phone providers with contracts, consumers weigh the pros and cons to determine the differences between cell phone providers. Possibly using graphs in combination with algebraic calculations to understand all the costs and benefits of each provider, consumers can choose the provider that offers the best value in terms of service and options.

Algebra is also used when calculating the amount of paint needed to paint the walls of a room. It is also used when determining the amount of carpeting needed to carpet a floor.



 Aug 21, 2016

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