
If p^2 - 4q > 0, prove that a^2 + p^2 - ap +3q > 0 for all a. I have simplified a discriminant problem to this state... can anyone help me prove this statement true? If so, can you please show your work!


- mathleteig except he forgot his pass

 Jul 23, 2020

For the community: Please don't submit solutions to this problem. This is a homework problem for an online course that does not allow students to search for answers to specific problems outside of the school.


For the original poster: We realize that homework can be challenging. If you wish to receive help from the staff or other students, we encourage you to use the resources that the online classes provide. Please don't ask or search online for homework help. We understand that it's common in today's information age to look for resources online, and in some contexts, that's a great thing! However, it's against our Honor Code. You can ask for help on the message boards, and you can learn from the official solution after you submit your answer.

 Nov 17, 2020

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