
For a real number r, let s(r) denote the set of real numbers that can be expressed in the form

a1 r + a2 r^2 + a3 r^3 + ...
with an infinite number of terms, where ai in {0,1}

(a) Show that 1/2 an element in S(1/4)
(b) Show that 1/5 is not an element in S(1/3) 
(c) Show that 1/7 is an element in S(1/2)

(d) Show that 1/11 is an element in S(2/3)

(e) Show that 1/13 is not an element in S(1/2)

(f) Show that 1/2 is an element in S(1/4)

(g) Show that 1/4 is not an element in S(1/5)

(h) Show that 1/5 is an element in S(1/4)

(i) Show that 1/4 is not an element in S(1/7)

 Nov 14, 2022

How many times have you submitted this question in the last week or two ?? What is the reason that you don't get your question answered? In my opinion, it is because nobody knows how to answer it, because not many are good at answering questions in Statistics and Sets and Subsets and Elements of a Set....etc.


Good luck to you.

 Nov 15, 2022

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