
Grapes are 80% water by weight. When a bushel of grapes dries in the sun for two weeks, it loses 60% of its total weight. All of the weight loss is due to the loss of water. After drying for two weeks, what percentage of the grapes is water by weight? Express your answer to the nearest percent. 

 Nov 7, 2022

What percentage of the grapes is water by weight?


Hello Guest!


\(m\cdot 80\%\cdot 60\%=\dfrac{m\cdot 80\cdot 60}{100\cdot 100} =m\cdot \dfrac{48}{100}=\color{blue}m\cdot 48\%\\ \color{blue}48\ percentage\ of\ the\ grapes\ is\ water\ by\ weight.\)

laugh  !

 Nov 8, 2022
edited by asinus  Nov 8, 2022
edited by asinus  Nov 8, 2022

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