
Is it D?

 Feb 20, 2018

Definitely not D  !!!....the graph shows it goes higher than this


Each little  "tick"  mark on "y"  represents 4 ft


If we go to 1.5 seconds on x.....note that the that the height is about 1 tick mark past 96 ft at this time


So   ...  it reaches a height of 96 + 4  =   100 ft   at 1.5 sec


Looks like   "a"  might be the best option   !!!


Do you see this, RP??? 



cool cool cool

 Feb 20, 2018

Oh whoops haha I actually thought it was C not D, and no wonder I didn't get the answer I didn't even really look at the graph. Thanks~

RainbowPanda  Feb 20, 2018

Yep......looking at the graph is a neccessity here....LOL!!!!



cool cool cool

CPhill  Feb 20, 2018

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