
An electrical shop reduces display goods by 5%. A display TV is sold for £617.50. What is the usual price of the same TV?

 Oct 8, 2014

Best Answer 


The price the tv sold at was 95% of the original price.

When you decrease by a percentage, you do number times 1-percentage as a decimal. In this case, the original price was multiplied by 0.95 to get £617.50.

To reverse this, divide £617.50 by 0.95 to get the original price.

$${\frac{{\mathtt{617.5}}}{{\mathtt{0.95}}}} = {\mathtt{650}}$$

The original price was 650.

Note, this is not the same as multiplying by 1.05 because if you do that, you find 5% of the reduced price added onto the reduced price. By dividing by 0.95, we get back to the original number.

 Oct 8, 2014

How should I know

 Oct 8, 2014
Best Answer

The price the tv sold at was 95% of the original price.

When you decrease by a percentage, you do number times 1-percentage as a decimal. In this case, the original price was multiplied by 0.95 to get £617.50.

To reverse this, divide £617.50 by 0.95 to get the original price.

$${\frac{{\mathtt{617.5}}}{{\mathtt{0.95}}}} = {\mathtt{650}}$$

The original price was 650.

Note, this is not the same as multiplying by 1.05 because if you do that, you find 5% of the reduced price added onto the reduced price. By dividing by 0.95, we get back to the original number.

radio Oct 8, 2014

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