An analogue signal has a bandwidth extending from very low frequencies up to 4 kHz. Using the sampling theorem , what is the minimum sampling rate (number of samples/sec) required to convert this signal into a digital representation?
If each sample is now quantised into 4096 levels, what is the resulting transmitted bit rate, expressing your answer in scientific notation?
Hint: you first need to calculate the number of bits per sample that will produce 4096 quantisation levels
Thanks for any help
I believe if I remember correctly, the sampling rate should be TWICE the highest frequency ... so 8 kHz sampling rate.
I'll have to review the second part of your question...
but maybe each sample will need to be 2^x = 4096 where x is the numer of bits = 12 bits long
12 bits / sample x 8 kHz = 96000 bits/sec 9.6 x 10^4 bits/sec