
Help, stuck on this:


Find the number of square units bounded by the x-axis, the y-axis and the line x+ y= 6 + 2/3*x + 3/4*y.

 Nov 22, 2022

The equation can be written to standard form. 

x/3 + y/4 = 6        =>     4x + 3y = 72         => point-slope form =>     y = -4x/3 + 24

Then since our triangle has base of y = 0 and height of x = 0, we can do some calculations to see the area under the line y = -4x/3 + 24 in Quad 1.

It has y-intercept of 24. x - intercept is 0 = -4x/3 + 24. 0 = -4x + 72. x = 18. So the x-intercept is (18, 0)

Thus the base has length 18, and the height has length 24, the area is 18 * 24 / 2 = 216.

 Nov 22, 2022

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